TZN4L-14C Temperature Controller Current Output
TZN4L-14C Temperature Controller?Current Output?
- 1/4 DIN, Nema 4, Dual Display, Auto Tune, ?PID Control, 1 Alarm Output, 100-240 VAC
Type??????????????????????????????????PID Temperature Controller
Digits?????????????????????????????? ?4
Dimensions????????????????????????DIN W96 x H96mm (Terminal Type)
Power Supply?????????????????????100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Allowable Voltage Range??????90 ~ 110% of power supply
Power Consumption????????????6?VA
Display Method???????????????????7 Segment LED Display
[Process value (PV)Red,Setting value (SV) : Green]
Character Size??????????????????PV: W8 x H13 mm
SV: W5 x H 9?mm
E (CR)
J (IC)
K (CA)
Thermocouple Input? ?????????N (NN)
R (PR)
S (PR)
T (CC)
W (TT)
RTD Input??????????????????????????Pt 100?
JIS Pt 100?
Analog Input??????????????????????0 – 10 VDC
1 – 5 VDC
4-20 mADC
Output??????????????????????????????4 – 20 mA DC Load 600? Max.Current
Transmission Output??????????PV?transmission:4-20 mA DC Load Max 600 ohm
Communication Output??????PV transmission
SV set
Control Type???????????????????? ?ON/OFF, P, PI, PD, PIDF, PIDS control
Display Accuracy????????????????3 ?C (Higher one)
F?S ?0.3%
Sampling Time????????????????????0.5 sec
LBA Selling Time?????????????????1 ~ 999 sec
RAMP Setting Time??????????????Ramp Down at 1~99min.
Ramp UP
Control Output???????????????????Relay Out
Event Output?????????????????????Event 1 Output
PID Controller????????????????????Nema 4 Digital
Alarm Output?????????????????????1
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